Malefiz - Statistik für zach21
No. of games of player/team vs. opponents strength
![]() This graph shows how many games the player/team has played against opponents of a certain rating interval (red = lost, green = won). E.g. a high bar right beneth 1000 means the player/team has played many games against opponents with a rating of 1000-1020. If the red bar is higher than the green bar, the player/team has lost more games than won against such opponents. If the green bar is higher, the player/team has won more games than lost.
Number of games of player/team vs. opponents total played games
![]() This graph shows the number of total games of the players/teams opponents. The last bar at the right shows all opponents with 780 and more games (red = lost, green = won). E.g. if there is a high bar at 0-80, that means the player/the team has played many games with opponents that did not play more than 80 games yet (that means games against unexperienced players).
Cross table (comparison of player with his opponents, opponents ordered by rating):
requested resource is currently not available
Games of player, ordered by date descending:
requested resource is currently not available Hier geht es in die Welt von Gravon.
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